Saturday, July 31, 2010

Happy Birthday Ansy

Happy Birthday Big Bro, its sad that you didnt live to see the age of 27.... i look back and think of all the good times we had together growing up, you taught me alot during the years and cherished every moment, you were always there for me when i needed you. Its really hard to believe that your not here but datz how life iz tomorrow is never promised.... Dealing with your death not only made me a stronger individual, it also opened my eyes, it made appreciate the greater things in life, and i wont ever take it for granted. I thank God each day for giving me strength to move on, it was very difficult at first but i managed. Continue to watch over me and the fam we miss u dearly and may god bless your soul. Rest In Peace My Brother... I Love U....

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My Thoughts On Relationships

I really dont have a problem wit relationships, honestly i dont know what it feels like anymore cuz its been like forever since i've been in one, last tyme i remember i believe i was 15, im 24 yrs old now so its been a while.... Females have a hard time believing that i've been single for such a long period of time they look at me like im crazy . Being in a relationship has its Pros & Cons, so it is what it is. I guess through the years i was actually understanding myself, knowing what i want out of a relationship, so when that opportunity comes i'll be ready.....

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Three Kings In South Beach

I cant believe that is is actually true man honestly, i kinda predicted it but i thought it was up in the air. I've been a Miami heat fan for since wade first came into the league. Now that he has surrounding talent around him look for great things to happen next season in the NBA. Lebron i wanna say u made the right choice man you did ur thang in cleveland, sorry things didnt go the way u expected it to but at the end of the day this is a business. I think that the cleveland fans are going way overboard wit dis... you put in hard 7 yrs of hard work and still came up short. Honestly the front office should be the one to blame because they couldnt get good talent around you. Chris Bosh is going to help us with rebounds because he is a great rebounder and can spread the defense. I cant wait til you guys come into orlando, i will get tickets to that game and get my heat jersey.. as a matter of fact im gonna order that real soon. 2 all the haters out there sorry but the band wagon is already full..... Bring home the Ship Miami... LETS GO HEAT!!!!!!!